April 9, 2013

Our Spring Break

*Warning - this post contains a lot of pictures

I haven't been writing on the blog much.  It's been a busy couple of weeks with spring break and other things.  Here is a not-so-brief recap of the going ons at our house over spring break.

Spring break started with our Easter baskets saturday morning.
We hid them and let the kids hunt for them, occasionally giving clues if they were nice to us.

We then headed to the park for a picnic and easter egg hunt with
cousins and friends, hosted by grandma and grandpa

Grandma Pam always measures out the eggs to make sure each child
gets a full bucket of eggs.  
 I didn't get a picture of the kids easter morning.  Lame, huh? I'll just have to dress them up again sometime and take pictures.

April Fool's Day, we asked the kids to go up and get dressed.
Maren and Christopher took an especially long time.
They thought wearing their clothes inside out and putting underwear on their head and
socks on their hands would be a funny April Fool's joke.  Silly kids.  Maren made me promise
not to put the picture on facebook.  I can't remember if she said anything about the blog, but
you better not ask her about it, just in case.
Christopher finished all his sight word flash cards and got his own library card and bag.
Also, thanks to Aunt Angela for teaching my kids the concept of the "photo bomb".
It's pretty much impossible to get a good picture of one of my kids because the others
are always anxious to jump in and ruin the picture.  Thanks again Angela.  ;)

During the week I worked on the mural I've been painting in the school room.
More about that another time. 

On Thursday, we headed up to Cincinnati to cheer on our favorite baseball team.
One of the kids' favorite parts is buying ice cream in little Reds' helmets.
We have several of those floating around our house now.   

Saturday morning we headed to our church to help clean the building.  The kids
are getting to be experts and cleaning the bathrooms.  We watched part of our church's
General Conference at home and then headed up to Grandma and Grandpa's house for
to play with them between sessions on Saturday and Sunday.

Grandpa helped Nathan on the see-saw

Grandma helped Maren sew a skirt for her American Girl Doll

The kids played darts with Grandma

and some air hockey with Grandpa

And then on Monday it was back to the usual routine.  So depressing.  We had a wonderful spring break week.  I sure love my family.


  1. I LOVE that they love to photo bomb now!! That makes me laugh. Funny that my kids never think about it. I must need to start doing it more often...

    Love the trees in your schoolroom. Good for you! Wish I was an artist. My Grandma tried but it wasn't for me. Can't wait to see it.

  2. Wow, a busy Easter. Loved the April fools dressing up


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