
March 14, 2012

Leprechaun hats

Last year, I didn't feel like doing anything for St. Patricks day.  I thought "Why don't we just wear green so we don't get pinched and that will be that".  The kids didn't like that plan.  So, we came up with some last minute activities to be festive.

Last year, I posted about the rainbows in a cup we made with vanilla pudding.

But I didn't post about the Leprechaun hats we made.  Since it was very last minute, we just used what we had around the house, and we happened to have some mini nilla wafers, mini marshmallows, mini m&ms, and white chocolate chips.

We melted the white chocolate chips and added green food coloring.  Green candy melts would've worked better, but we didn't have any.  We dipped the mini nilla wafers and the mini marshmallows then put the one on top of the other and put them on a cooling rack to dry.  I thought a cooling rack would be good because the extra chocolate would drip off and wouldn't pool at the bottom of the cookie.  It didn't really work that way.  It mostly just molded itself to the cooling rack and then we had very odd bottoms to our hats, but oh well.  Then, using some bagged cookie icing from the store, we drew a band around the hat and added a yellow mini m&m.

Silly boy.  You can also see the leprechaun "kiss"
 that somehow appeared on his face during the night. 

It was a very easy last minute project, and something the kids enjoyed making and eating.

Please try to ignore the filthiness of the kitchen behind her.
Sometimes doing things with kids is more important than a clean kitchen, right?


  1. So cute! I've never been a huge fan of going all out on St. Patrick's. Maybe I'll try a little fun something this year!

  2. I've never been a huge fan either. Growing up, all we did was wear green and maybe write something at school about what we would wish for if we caught a leprechaun. Kids are just spoiled now. :) Thanks for the comment!

  3. Aww, how nice. I wish I could have seen this before St Patty's Day so that I could show it to wifey.. And she could make something like these for me.


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