
August 14, 2011

First Day of School 2011

The kids were very excited to start school last thursday.  Here are the traditional first day of school photos in front of the door.  I don't know why we always do them in front of the door, especially because the lighting is pretty bad on that side of the house early in the morning.

Maren, 3rd grade

Joshua, 1st grade

Christopher, Pre-K

Nathan, obedience school
seriously, this kid is everywhere

ah, I love these kiddos

In keeping with tradition (that we started last year), I wrapped the kids school supplies and stuffed them in their backpacks.  The kids loved opening up new math books and science things.  This year I bought a set of Magnatiles for our homeschool.  The kids love them!  I've been wanting them ever since I saw them at my sister's house a couple of years ago.  They are fun to build with and the kids have been playing with them constantly.

Christopher might just be a builder
(and yes, all the kids insisted on wearing name tags.  goofballs)

I also bought each child one non-school related present.  Maren got a charm bracelet, and Christopher and Joshua got angry bird "plush toys".  Joshua keeps referring to it as his "plush toy" and it just makes me laugh every time he says it.  I think he noticed because he said "that's what they're called, right?"

pleasantly surprised
I love surprises

What's really fun is when you combine the magnatiles and the angry bird plush toys.  That piggy is not safe in those towers I tell you.

direct hit!


  1. FUN! I'm glad you got the magnatiles. They are fantastic. Playing angry birds in the magnatiles tower is just brilliant, I tell ya'.

  2. awe, very cute! have a great school year :)

  3. I love your idea of wrapping school books and supplies and putting them in the backpack. Brilliant! Sounds like a fabulous way to start school.

  4. I give a little gift each year too. This year we are on a tighter budget, so it was mostly school related, but it is fun to make the start of the school year special! Have a great year!

  5. Love the name tags. How funny! My oldest dd just asked for an Angry Birds plush for Christmas. Glad to know they exist.

  6. Oh my gosh... your kids are the same age as mine! Except, the youngest that is in Obedience School (that cracked me up!!!)... I don't have that one ;) Though all of my children could use Obedience School I've been thinking these days! ha ha.

    I JUST posted an awesome round-up of Angry Birds on my blog. My kids LOVE that game. So much fun!


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