
August 14, 2010

School Bus Rice Krispy Treats

Try this cute back to school treat with your kids. They will love helping you make miniature school buses!

cute back to school treat - Rice Crispy Treat School Buses!

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I wanted to make a cute back to school treat, but couldn't find anything I liked. I thought the school bus idea was cute, but had only seen it with a twinkie, and that just seemed gross to me. So, I decided to try it with Rice Krispies treats.

I started by making a double batch of the recipe found on the side of the Rice Krispies box and pressing it into a 9x13 glass pan. I wanted it to be thick, and it didn't look like it would fit at first, but it did. After I let the treats cool, I cut them into 16 rectangles, took a few out at a time, put them on their sides, and cut a little out of each one to make the bus. I bought the Betty Crocker dark chocolate brownie topper frosting to help with decorating. I also bought the plastic serew on decorating tips so I could have a think pine. That frosting dries pretty hard, which I was not aware of, but it worked well because it was thick and I didn't have to make my own frosting.

After trial and error and fingers in frosting, I discovered the following order works best in order to avoid messing up the windows:

1 - put on the wheels. I used the mini fudge stripe cookies and used toothpicks and the frosting to try and get them to stay on. Once the icing had dried I could take out the toothpicks and the wheels stayed in place just fine. Mini Oreos might also work for wheels.

2 - put on the lights. I cut a red jelly belly and a yellow jelly belly in half to make the lights and secured them with frosting.

3 - draw the front window and put in the bear driver. We cut the legs off of some mini Teddy Grahams for the driver and attached with frosting.

4 - draw all the other windows and black lines on the sides.

Voila! School buses for sharing. At first we tried putting bears in all the windows as well, but my daughter got tired of cutting off the legs of the bears and we decided it was easier to just have an empty school bus. We found that we could do about 8 at a time assembly line style.

When we were done, I let the kids create their own masterpieces with the cut out leftovers of rice krispie treats and frosting and candy. They had so much fun with this!

cute back to school treat - Rice Crispy Treat School Buses!

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  1. LOVE IT!!! And we loved them! The girls favorite part was the little bear driver! You are amazing!

  2. That is so cute! What a fun idea!

  3. Oh my cuteness, your kids have got to be the envy of their friends with this. I would love for you to come link it up at Freestyle Friday,

    Following you ~ Adrianne

  4. So cute! I love this idea!

    I'd love for you to link up with our first Crafts for Under Twenty-Somethings blog party! It's specially for kids and teens crafts, so your post is perfect!

    Love your blog!


  5. So much fun, I love this idea, and I know my kids always love any food that involves wheels! Thanks for showing off!



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